How To Perform A Trial Patch
Always perform a Trial Patch Evaluation prior to every job!
- Due to many different types of paint and surface conditions, it is important that the correct variables are discovered prior to completing a job. Peel Away 1 and 8 are available in 350g Trial Kits for this purpose. Kits can be purchased direct from Peel Away or through our Stockists and Distributors throughout Australia.
- Apply the Peel Away paste 3-4mm thick (average rate) directly to the painted surface, creating an even application. Brick and stone work will require you to use the Peel Away paste to fill gaps and mortar to ensure an even coverage.
- Cover the Peel Away paste with the supplied special Peel Away laminated paper sheet. You may cut this sheet into two sections to allow for a 2nd patch to be applied on the painted surface. Make sure to gently smooth the paper out, removing any pockets of air trapped under as best you can.
- Tape down the edges with high stick masking tape.
- Leave on the surface for 72 hours.
(Successful patches can take up to 4-7 days. If unsure how long to leave your patch on, please call our Technical Consultants for advice) - Slide the spatula behind the paper, and ease the paint, paste and paper off in one piece. Scrape off loose debris and residue and place in thick plastic tie up bags.
- Thoroughly wash the surface with plain water, nylon brush and sponge.
- Examine results of Trial Patch and if successful, you have the correct variables to complete the job.
*If not successful, leave the 2nd Trial Patch intact on the surface and allow more time prior to removing. For timber and painted fibreglass, please contact our Technical Consultants prior to performing this evaluation.